Paris Public Library
Board of Trustees
March 13, 2023
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:28 p.m. by
President George Griffin. Boylan, Gill, Griffin, Gross, Lehman, Michels – present. Earlywine, Garver,
Punzelt, Young – absent.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Michels, second by Gross to approve minutes from
February 13, 2023 meeting. Motion carried.
Correspondence, communications, and public comments: Thank you from Crestwood School and a
thank you from Teresa Pennington.
Committee Reports:
*Finance: Director Boylan reported finances are as usual.
*Book: None
*House: Roof leaking in the addition.
MOTION: Gross, second by Michels to accept monthly finance, book, and house reports. Motion
Librarian’s Report: Director Boylan reported that February was a busy month. A reception was held
to honor Teresa Pennington’s retirement in addition to a gift from the staff and board. A nutrition
program with Mary Liz Wright was attended by six attendees. Two children’s make and take
Valentine Cards was well attended. The library also hosted the Stuffed Animal Sleep Over on the
23rd. Children came with their favorite stuffed animal and allowed the stuffed animals to overnight
at the library. Van Grissom from IDNR delivered 9 fishing poles and a rack to start the tackle loaner
program. The program will begin later in March. Thanks to a donation from Joan Smith, the seed
library will be ready to launch by the end of March. Amanda Summers will begin as Children’s
librarian. Boylan also met with Danette Young and discussed students’ access to library cards.
Boylan attended the Annual Rural Community and Economic Development Conference at WIU.
MOTION: Lehman, second by Gill to accept librarian’s report. Motion carried.
*Friends: The Friends are in a transition period.
Old Business: None
New Business: Director Boylan reported that the roof is leaking. She contacted Honest Abe Roofing
and they came and took photos of the roof and inside the attic of the library. The photos showed
where the water may be entering the building. Boylan will contact them for more information and a
complete quote for work needed.
MOTION: Gill, second by Lehman to allow Director Boylan to contract roofers for repairs up to
$7500.00. Motion carried.
Miscellaneous: The board was made aware of HB 2789 which will be directly tied to library finances.
Meeting adjourned at 5:18 p.m. Next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, April 10th, 2023.
Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.