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Board Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President George Griffin. In attendance were, Cherie Lehman, Karen Earlywine, Evie Gill, Janine Brann, Richard Gross and Librarian Teresa Pennington. Absent were Trustees Roxanne Michels, Susan Punzelt and Bruce Young.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Lehman, second by Earlywine to approve July minutes. Motion carried.

Correspondence, communications and public comments: A Thank you was read.

Committee Reports:

  • Finance: MOTION: Gill, second by Lehman to accept finance report. Motion carried.
  • Book: No report.
  • House: Librarian Pennington reported that the roof leaks between original building and the addition. A quote of $4863 was presented from Honest Abe Roofing. MOTION: Lehman, second by Gross to approve expenditure. Motion carried.
  • Gross will contact the city about improving our handicapped parking access and also check on city plans to remove the ash trees. The front stairs have been repaired with exception of a small place on the bottom step. The entrance mats need to be replaced. The elevator passed inspection. Security cameras have now been installed and are working well.

Librarian’s Report: Library usage was average. MOTION: Earlywine, second by Brann to approve statistics report. Motion carried.
Librarian Pennington reported that she completed the required annual FOIA training, finished a six-week course on Library Security and an online A.L.I.C.E. training session. The library joined the Illinois Library Association as an institutional member thus opening the door to participate in the Fund for Illinois Libraries should a donor require 501(c)3 status.

  • Friends: The Friends of the Library would like to raise funds to purchase an LED sign for the library which could promote the many programs offered by the library. MOTION: Brann, second by Gill to approve the fundraising for a new sign.

Old Business: Back to Books grant purchased 70 STEM related books.

New Business: The board reviewed the Emergency Closing Policy. MOTION: Lehman, second by Brann to approve the Emergency Closing Policy with a slight change in language. Motion carried.
Librarian Pennington presented information on the Ameren Incentive Program. This program replaces fluorescent lamps with energy efficient LED lamps at no cost to the library. MOTION: Gross, second by Earlywine to accept proposal from Ameren. Motion carried.

Miscellaneous: The Board is required to review Chapters 6-10 of Trustee Facts File prior to the November meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 5:17p.m. Next meeting is Monday, November 12, 2018.

Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.