About Friends of the Library
The Friends support library activities and programs, including book sales, Christmas at the Library, and more.
You can help!
The Friends meet on the second Tuesday of each month (except August and December) at 6:00 pm.
Once to twice a year the Friends of Paris Library run a booksale in the Pennington room of the library.
There is a year round sale of paperbacks, which can be found by the elevator.
If you can't support the library by buying books, please consider donating your used books.
$5.00Friends of the Paris Library are people who work together to help support and increase awareness of library resources, programs, and services. From book sales to Christmas at the Library and other projects, Friends make a difference. Join us!
Annual Membership levels and fees:
Level | Cost per Year | About |
Student | $5.00 | Only available to students, under the age of 18. |
Individual | $10.00 | This level is for adults who want to be involved |
Family | $20.00 | Everyone in your immediate family becomes a Friend of the Library. |
Sponsor | $50.00 | |
Benefactor | $100.00 | |
Lifetime | $200.00 Once | Pay once and become a Friend of the Library for life. |
Member dues are not tax-deductible at this time. Membership year is Jan. 1 - Dec. 31.
Please make checks payable to Friends of the Paris Library and bring or mail to:
Friends of the Paris Library
Paris Public Library
207 S. Main
Paris IL 61944
Thank you for your support!
Article I
The name of this non-profit organization shall be Friends of the Paris Library.
Article II
The purpose of this organization shall be as follows:
- (a) To provide an opportunity for interested persons to become part of a library service organization.
- (b) To develop a broad base of community and financial support for the Paris Carnegie Public Library.
- (c) To provide a means for utilizing the interest, talents, and service of volunteers in library-related activities.
- (d) To provide information about the library, its resources, services, and programs to the community.
Article III
Section 1:
Membership of this organization shall be open to all persons, organizations and businesses interested in the library.
Section 2:
There shall be the following classes of membership: Individuals, Family, groups, and organizations, corporate and individual life membership.
Each membership shall be entitled to one vote.
Section 3:
The membership shall have the option to sponsor a separate Junior Friends group involving young people up to the age of eighteen(18).
Article IV
Officers and Election
Section 1:
The officers of the organization shall be president, vice president, Treasurer and secretary.
Section 2: Terms of Office
- (a) All officers shall be elected for a one-year term.
- (b) The election of officers shall be held at the annual meeting. Officers shall assume their duties of office immediately following election.
- (c) Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of those paid members present at the annual meeting.
- (d) All officers agree to attend a minimum of 80% of scheduled meetings. Three consecutive unexcused absences will be cause to request resignation of said officer.
Section 3: Nominations
- (a) Individuals shall be nominated for officers by a nominating committee appointed by the FOPL president.
- (b) Nominations shall be limited to those members who consent to such nomination.
- (c) Nominations shall be submitted to the membership at least two weeks prior to the annual meeting.
- (d) Additional nominations made be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee.
- (e) If an office is vacated during the year, or there are no nominations for a particular office, the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may appoint a member to fill the vacancy, or call a special meeting of the voting members. If the vacancy is the office of the President, the Executive Committee may appoint a President, or call a special meeting of the voting members.
Article V
Section 1:
This constitution and bylaws shall be reviewed every two years and amended if necessary.
Section 2:
Amendments may be made at any meeting of the general membership by a simple majority vote of those members present, provided the proposed amendment(s) has been read at the previous meeting, or a copy mailed to each member two weeks prior to the meeting.
Article VI
Section 1:
Monies received from memberships, projects, gifts, and Memorials shall be used to further the purposes of this organization.
Section 2:
All funds of the organization shall be deposited in a timely manner in such banks as the Executive Committee may select.
Section 3:
All expenditures from these funds shall be approved by the Executive Committee. Expenditures exceeding five hundred dollars($500.00) shall require approval of the membership.
Section 4:
The fiscal year shall be from May 1 through April 30 of the following calendar year.
Section 5:
No part of the net earnings of the organization shall be for the benefit of, or distributed to, its members, trustees, officers, or other private person, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered
Article VII
Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Executive Committee, shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities, dispose of all the assets in such a manner, or to such organization(s) operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization(s) under section 50l©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code .
Article I
General Meetings
Section 1:
The FOPL shall meet a minimum of four(4) times per year at a time and place designated by the Executive Committee. Members shall.
Be notified at least two weeks prior as to meeting date/time and/or an annual calendar shall be established for distribution to membership.
Section 2:
The Annual Meeting shall be held in May with at least two weeks prior notification to membership and the general public.
Section 3:
Four members and one officer present shall constitute a Quorum.
Section 4:
All meetings shall be open to the public and voting shall be limited to members whose dues are paid.
Article II
Duties of Officers
Section 1: The President shall:
- (a) preside at all meetings.
- (b) establish committees and assign committee chairpersons.
- (c) be an ex-officio(non-voting) member of all committees except the nominating committee.
- (d) prepare a brief annual report to include information on the activities of the past year.
Section 2: The Vice-President shall:
- (a) in the absence of the President, preside at meeting and perform any other needed duties of that office.
- (b) represent the FOPL before groups at their request or delegate a representative.
Section 3: The Secretary shall:
- (a) take minutes and record attendance of all meetings.
- (b) conduct all correspondence.
- (c) perform such other duties as are customary for this office.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall:
- (a) provide financial and membership reports at scheduled meetings and/or email such reports in advance of meeting.
- (b) Keep necessary financial records and deposit monies in designated accounts.
- (c) Pay all approved bills.
- (d) Collect dues and maintain list of paid members.
- (e) Arrange for an annual audit of the organization’s financial records.
Article III
Executive Committee
Section 1:
The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the officers.
Section 2:
The head librarian or a representative will attend meetings as An ex-officio member and report as liaison to the library Board Of Trustees.
Section 3:
The Executive Committee shall meet immediately following The annual meeting. A special meeting may be called at any time by a member of the Executive Committee.
Article IV
Section 1:
Committees will be determined by current needs of the FOPL as determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 2:
Committee chairpersons shall be appointed by the President.
Article V
Section 1:
Memberships are renewable annually unless otherwise specified.
Section 2:
Levels of support: | |
Student | $5.00 |
Individual | $10.00 |
Family | $20.00 - $49.00 |
Sponsor | $50.00 - $99.00 |
Benefactor | $100.00 - $199.00 |
Lifetime | $200.00 + (Individual) |
Corporate | $250.00 |
Revised and Approved: February 2015