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Board Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:31 p.m. by President George Griffin. In attendance were Karen Earlywine, Cherie Lehman, Bruce Young, Richard Gross, Evie Gill, Janine Brann, Roxanne Michels and Librarian Teresa Pennington. Absent was Trustee Susan Punzelt

Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Young second by Michels to approve April 8, 2019 minutes. Motion carried.

Correspondence, communications and public comments: None

Committee Reports:

  • Finance: MOTION: Gross, second by Earlywine to accept finance report. Motion carried.
  • Book: None
  • House: The reading room has a leaky window that needs repair. There is also a crack in the outside foundation. There has been no response from Ameren on the lighting rebate program.

Librarian’s Report: The library joined the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. This will provide health professionals and the general public with health-related resources and services. Membership is free and allows eligibility for grants, training and free publications. The library presented Under the Sea twice to 24 children and provided a location for a rained-out Easter egg hunt for a local daycare. Another incident with the downstairs fire extinguisher prompted a purchase of a dedicated camera monitor. The young perpetrators were caught and cleaned up the mess they made. The traveling Cultivating Creativity Children’s Art Exhibit was on display in the Gibson Room. Four Paris students had art included in the exhibit. MOTION: Lehman, second by Young to approve statistics/librarians report. Motion carried.

  • Friends: A letter requesting donations for the electronic sign was presented. Shakespeare in the Park will be June 1 including an acting workshop at 1:00 for grades 3-8.

Old Business: none

New Business: Librarian Pennington reported that Win7 support will end at the end of the year and the office computer will probably need replacing. RB digital is going well, and the subscription needs to be renewed. MOTION: Young, second by Brann to renew. Motion approved. My Media Mall has made some changes including a future name change.

Miscellaneous: The library will present Summer Library programs for the younger patrons beginning June 1. The library will close on July 4 and 6.

Meeting adjourned at 5:18 p.m. Next meeting is Monday, June 1, 2019 – first meeting of the new fiscal year.

Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.