Board Meeting
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President George Griffin. In attendance were Roxanne Michels, Cherie Lehman, Evie Gill, Richard Gross, Susan Punzelt, Karen Earlywine, Janine Brann and Librarian Teresa Pennington. Absent was Bruce Young.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Gross, second by Earlywine to approve minutes from October 21, 2019. Motion carried.
Correspondence, communications and public comments: A thank you was received from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for participating in the October 19th Emergency Preparedness Fair.
Committee Reports:
- Finance: The library is halfway through the fiscal year and expenses are on target. Several contributions for the LED sign were received. MOTION: Michels, second by Lehman to accept finance report. Motion carried.
- Book: None
- House: The carpets were cleaned October 28th.
Librarian’s Report: Usage did not change from the previous month. The library hosted District 95’s Explore Night on October 8th, School’s Out program from the Rec on October 11th and held a Drop-In Block Party for all ages on October 25th. The “Nutrition & Wellness” series was attended by 14 people. MOTION: Punzelt, second by Brann to approve statistics/librarians report. Motion carried.
- Friends: The Friends will be mailing fundraising information on the LED sign.
Old Business: The Consumer Health Collection Award delivered 51 medical books to the library. As part of the grant, Librarian Pennington has taken consumer health classes and will finish her Consumer Health Information Specialization certificate (12 CE hours) by mid-November. The minimum wage increases January 1st.
New Business: The board reviewed and discussed chapter 3 of Serving Our Public 3.0: Standards for Illinois Public Libraries 2014 along with chapters 11-14 and all appendices of “The Trustee Facts File 3rd edition.
Miscellaneous: The library will close early November 27th and will be closed on the 28th for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Meeting adjourned at 5:05p.m. Next meeting is Monday, December 9th, 2019.
Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.