Board Meeting
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President George Griffin. Roll call attendance: Brann, Gill (remote), Griffin, Gross, Punzelt, Pennington, Young – present. Earlywine, Michels – absent.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Gross, second by Young to approve minutes from March 8, 2021 meeting. 5 ayes – Brann, Gill, Gross, Punzelt, Young; 0 nays; 2 absent. Motion carried.
Correspondence, communications, and public comments: None
Committee Reports:
- Finance: MOTION: Brann, second by Young to accept finance report. 5 ayes – Brann, Gill, Gross, Punzelt, Young; 0 nays; 2 absent. Motion carried.
- Book: None
- House: New dusk to dawn LED lights were installed at the doors. The back stack ceiling needs repair.
Librarian’s Report: Librarian Pennington reported that the library had its highest circulation since reopening. The library distributed 38 free copies of the book Station Eleven. Congresswoman Miller was the first scheduled use of the Gibson Room. Summer reading will be a combination of in-person and take-home materials. ISL Grants Committee met April 8. Now we wait for the official announcement from the State Library/Secretary of State. Edgar County Public Health Dept. was contacted after finding syringes in both restrooms. They will provide Sharps containers for both restrooms and it was suggested that we offer HRC pamphlets. MOTION: Punzelt, second by Gross to approve statistics/librarians report. 5 ayes – Brann, Gill, Gross, Punzelt, Young; 0 nays; 2 absent. Motion carried.
- Friends: Meeting was cancelled for April.
Old Business: The 2021-2022 Budget was reviewed. MOTION: Young, second by Gross to approve budget. 5 ayes – Brann, Gill, Gross, Punzelt, Young; 0 nays; 2 absent. Motion carried.
New Business: A new policy for the LED sign was discussed. The outdoor message sign will be used for promoting library events, programs, services, hours/changes to hours, and communications to the community. The library will not accept requests to post messages for individuals or organizations. MOTION: Brann, second by Punzelt to adopt the LED Sign policy. 5 ayes – Brann, Gill, Gross, Punzelt, Young; 0 nays; 2 absent. Motion carried. Stone Soup would like to return to perform Shakespeare in the Park. Librarian Pennington will contact the Park Board. FY2022 SHARE agreement was presented to the board. The cost has dropped due to the changed barcoding for A to B. IHLS is also looking at adding an app allowing patrons to search the catalog and access services.
Miscellaneous: None
Meeting adjourned at 5:11 p.m. Next scheduled meeting is Monday, May 10th, 2021. [Note: May meeting was canceled]
Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.