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Board Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:29 p.m. by President George Griffin. Brann, Earlywine, Gill, Griffin, Gross, Michels, Pennington, Punzelt,
Young – present. None – absent.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Michels, second by Brann to approve minutes from June 14, 2021 meeting. Motion carried.

Correspondence, communications, and public comments: None

Committee Reports:

  • Finance: The final fiscal report was reviewed along with checks report. MOTION: Gross, second by Brann to accept finance report. Motion carried.
  • Book: None
  • House: The Sharps containers and mounting brackets are ready for installation. The protruding water line cover by the north entrance has been brought to the attention of the city. The front entrance light project is in a waiting status.

Librarian’s Report: Librarian Pennington reported that the May circulation numbers are up. Summer programs started rather slowly but have since increased in attendance. Things are returning to pre-pandemic normal. Boys horsing around in the children’s room, unreturned/missing restroom keys, and bicycles being brought into the library. MOTION: Young, second by Earlywine to accept Librarian’s report. Motion carried.

  • Friends: Book sale will be held on July 31 and August 7 from 10 am – 4pm.

Old Business: The State Library Construction Grant officially notified the library that the grant money for the elevator upgrade will be dispersed in late July/early August. Metro Communication has flagged the yard for new internet access.
The board reviewed the current policy for vacations, pay schedules and sick leave. MOTION: Young, second by Gill to amend the current policy, paragraph four (4) to read, “Vacation time does not accumulate; employees are not paid for unused vacation time.” Motion carried.

New Business: The library will return to regular hours after Labor Day, September 6, 2021.


Meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Next scheduled meeting is Monday, September 13th, 2021.

Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.