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Board Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:32 p.m. by President George Griffin. Brann, Garver, Gill, Griffin, Michels, Pennington, Punzelt, Young
– present. Earlywine & Gross – absent.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Young, second by Punzelt to approve minutes from September 20, 2021 meeting. Motion carried.

Correspondence, communications, and public comments: None

Committee Reports:

  • Finance: Pennington reported nothing unusual in finance report. MOTION: Michels, second by Gill to accept finance report. Motion carried.
  • Book: None
  • House: The boiler vent pipe was lengthened, and boiler passed its biennial inspection. There are a few minor repairs which are remaining prior to winter.

Librarian’s Report: Librarian Pennington reported that usage is down, due to IL mask

mandates. The library is offering Senior Bingo. 65 people and 1 dog enjoyed Shakespeare in the Park. Collection monies of $88.00 was donated to Compassionate Food Ministry. The new internet connection is working well. Librarian Pennington reported a young man made a donation of $150.00 from his lemonade stand sales! MOTION: Young, second by Garver to accept Librarian’s report. Motion carried.

  • Friends: Friends are planning Christmas at the Library similar to last year. Packets will be distributed to the children.

Old Business: The elevator upgrade is on track. The glass artwork will have spotlights at night to illuminate the piece. The state finally released requirements concerning the Cards for Kids policy. After much discussion, it was recommended that we table until November.

New Business: Librarian Pennington reported that we received the “Spaces” Grant that will allow the purchase of a microfilm reader and upgrade the public computer “lab” into safer, more private workspaces. Librarian Pennington introduced the Illinois Libraries Present cooperative. This is a pilot program in which the libraries within the cooperative will have access to monthly programs offered online for their patrons. The cost to join is $40.00. MOTION: Young, second Michels to join the “Illinois Libraries Present”. Motion carried. The board reviewed and discussed Standards Chapters 4-7, including the checklists as required for the per capita grant.


Meeting adjourned at 5:19 p.m. Next scheduled meeting is Monday, November 8th, 2021.

Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.