Board Meeting
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President George Griffin. Earlywine, Garver, Gill, Griffin, Gross, Michels, Pennington – present. Punzelt & Young – absent.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Gross, second by Earlywine to approve minutes from October 18, 2021 meeting. Motion carried.
Correspondence, communications, and public comments: Thank you notes were received from Chuck Keys, The Hershey Company, and Whitney Haase.
Committee Reports:
- Finance: Pennington reported the finances are in order. The minimum wage increase will go in effect January 1, 2022. The architects first invoice for the elevator upgrade was received. MOTION: Michels, second by Gill to accept finance report. Motion carried.
- Book: None
- House: The drywall in the Gibson Room is still needing repair.
Librarian’s Report: Librarian Pennington reported that usage is steady. Website usage is down due to the new SHARE app. Ten attended Senior Bingo in October. The new internet connection is working well and has lowered the monthly bill. New computers have been purchased through the “Spaces” grant. They will be programed prior to installation. Graffiti was discovered on the north wall of the library. Three boxes of face masks were used in November. MOTION: Garver, second by Earlywine to accept Librarian’s report. Motion carried.
- Friends: Friends are planning to distribute “Santa Sacks” to children aged 5th grade and younger on December 18, 20-23 or until the sacks are gone.
Old Business: The spotlights to illuminate the glass artwork have been installed. Remaining is a plaque for the hallway. In compliance with the state “Cards for Kids”, the board discussed policy options. MOTTION: Michels, second by Gross to adopt the income-based option for “Cards for Kids” that would also require lowering the age limit for juvenile cards from 5 to 3. Motion carried.
New Business: The board reviewed and discussed Standards Chapters 8-13, including the checklists as required for the per capita grant. Christmas bonuses will be distributed.
Miscellaneous: The library will be closed December 24 & 25; Open 10-4 on December 31 and closed January 1, 2022.
Meeting adjourned at 5:12 p.m. Next scheduled meeting is Monday, January 10th, 2022.
Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.