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Board Meeting

The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President George Griffin.   Garver, Gill, Griffin, Gross, Michels, Pennington, Young – present. Earlywine & Punzelt – absent.

Minutes of Previous Meeting:   MOTION: Young, second by Michels to approve minutes from December 13, 2021 meeting.  Motion carried.

Correspondence, communications, and public comments:  None

Committee Reports:

  • Finance:  Pennington reported the finances are in order. The library received “On the Road to Recovery” grant.   MOTION: Garver, second by Gross to accept finance report.  Motion carried.
  • Book:  None
  • House:  A wired smoke alarm needs to be replaced.  All other smoke alarms have been checked and are in good working order.

Librarian’s Report:  Librarian Pennington reported that usage is steady.  Meeting rooms were used 16 times. The library handed out 100 Santa Sacks and 14 extra books after the sacks were gone.  An out-of-town donor purchased Dairy Queen gift cards for the sacks.  Librarian Pennington attended 4 webinar sessions on Disaster Planning and as a result, updated the disaster plan.  The “On the Road to Recovery” Grant was received, new public computers were ordered and received but are not yet installed.  A donation from a local patron purchased Microsoft Office 2021 for the public computers.  HeritageQuest Online is now included in the electronic resources.  The 2022 per capita grant application was submitted on Dec. 30.  Quarterly reports for elevator and “spaces “grant are due Jan. 15.  There was an incident in December that resulted in calling the police.  MOTION: Young, second by Gill to accept Librarian’s report. Motion carried.

  • Friends:  No meeting in January.

Old Business:  None

New Business:  The board reviewed the Emergency Closing policy and accepted the policy as written.  MOTION: Gross, second by Garver to approve meeting and holiday schedule for 2022.  Motion carried.

Miscellaneous:   Illinois Libraries Present will have 3 1-hr. programs beginning on Jan. 26, Feb. 16, and March 30.  The library will have books from the featured authors available.  More information is available online.

Meeting adjourned at 4:58 p.m.   Next scheduled meeting is Monday, February 14th, 2022.

Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.