Board Meeting
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President George Griffin. Garver, Gill, Griffin, Gross, Michels, Punzelt, Young & Pennington – present. Earlywine, Lehman – absent.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Young, second by Gross to approve minutes from May 9, 2022 meeting. Motion carried.
Correspondence, communications, and public comments: None
Committee Reports:
- Finance: Pennington reported there were no surprises for the first month of the fiscal year. MOTION: Michels, second by Punzelt to accept finance report. Motion carried.
- Book: None
- House: The addition roof is leaking again. Honest Abe Roofing reported it was condensation on copper pipes and suggested a plumber be contacted. The plumber came and determined that the roof was indeed leaking. Another roofer will be contacted. A lower-level window has a vertical crack. Two window air conditioners stopped working. MOTION: Gross, second by Garver to replace the two (2) broken air conditioners not to exceed $2000.00 total cost. Motion carried. Librarian Pennington will contact a general contractor for repairs.
Librarian’s Report: Librarian Pennington reported that May usage was down. A program and library information was presented to the Health Dept.’s Celebrating Moms event on May 1. Crestwood 6th and 8th grade classes visited the library on May 18 & 19 to study Andrew Carnegie and libraries. A total of 87 attended. Classes from Memorial and Wenz schools also visited that week for tours with 19 students attending. Grace Lutheran visits once a week and the summer reading programs are well attended. The new microfilm is not connecting with the library computer. MOTION: Young, second by Gill to accept Librarian’s report. Motion carried.
- Friends: The Friends will meet in June.
Old Business: The state library approved the purchase of 2 laptops for staff use. The library is waiting for the new Watts printer so the desktop computers can be finished and available to the public. The Road to Recovery grant funds have been spent.
New Business: The bid documents needed for the elevator upgrade were not received in time to review. A special meeting will be held June 21st at 4:30 pm. Librarian Pennington announced the library will extend its hours until 7:00 pm on Thursday beginning in July. MOTION: Young, second Punzelt to continue participation in nonresident card program and retain the $32.00 annual fee. Motion carried.
Miscellaneous: The library will be closed on July 4, 2022.
Meeting adjourned at 5:14 p.m. Next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, July 11th, 2022.
Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill, Secy.
Call to order
Correspondence, communications, and public comments
Committee Reports –
- Finance – Finance Report, Checks Report
- Book – no report
- House – roof leak, condensation, meeting room window
Librarian’s Report
- Statistics report
- Month’s review/summer programs
- Friends
Old business
- Road to Recovery grant progress- changes to original requests
New Business
- Review/approve bid documents needed for elevator upgrade (if received by meeting time)
- Add one hour to Thursday to stay open until 7 pm?
- Annual vote to continue participation in nonresident card program & fee
- Closed July 4
Next Meeting: July 11, 2022