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Board Special Meeting

The special meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:35 p.m. by President George Griffin.  Earlywine, Gill, Griffin, Gross, Lehman, Michels, & Pennington – present. Garver, Punzelt & Young– absent.

The meeting was called to revisit the Elevator Modernization Project.  After consultation with two (2) separate elevator companies, it was determined that the elevator is in very good working condition, currently up to code and only needs a few minor improvements.

New Business:  MOTION: Gross, second by Earlywine to halt the elevator renovation project; return the monies from the Construction Grant to the Illinois State Library and to pay in full the architect used to write the bid information.
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.

Next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday September 12, 2022.

Respectfully submitted,
Evie Gill,  Secy.

4:40pm Gibson Room
Called for the sole purpose of determining current status and future of elevator project

  • Call to order
  • Elevator upgrade project status report
  • Vote to proceed or not
  • Adjournment