Board Meeting
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 4:30 p.m. by President George Griffin. Earlywine, Garver, Griffin, Gross, Lehman, Punzelt, Pennington, – present. Gill, Michels, Young – absent.
Minutes of Previous Meeting: MOTION: Gross, second by Earlywine to approve minutes from November 14, 2022, meeting. Motion carried.
Correspondence, communications, and public comments: None
Committee Reports:
- Finance: Pennington reported that the library was the recipient of a donation from Edgar County Homeless Organization after the home was closed. The board was also reminded by Pennington that the red figures, under “TOTALS,” take into account the canceled elevator repair. MOTION: Punzelt, second by Garver to accept monthly finance report. Motion carried.
- Book: None
- House: The AC/roof moisture problem and the accompanying leaks persist. We are waiting to hear from the AC people. The north wall of the library was the site of some graffiti.
Librarian’s Report: Librarian Pennington reported that the meeting rooms were well-used (25 times) in November. To celebrate Family Reading Night on the 3rd Thursday in November, Family Fun Time included a craft, games, and a couple of therapy dogs. During the month of November until Thanksgiving, a passive program, “Disguise a Turkey,” was held. Several creatively disguised turkey drawings were submitted. Microsoft is now requiring third-party authentication to sign into its email. Librarian Pennington with assistance from IT at IHLS set this up for 4 email addresses. MOTION: Garver, second by Gross to accept Librarian’s Report. Motion carried.
- Friends: The Friends will help stuff Santa Sacks. The contents will include 100 $5 DQ gift cards.
Old Business: On January 12, the library will close at noon so that a social worker can provide training to the library staff on homeless issues.
The search for a tech support service continues.
The firewall reaches end of life at the end of January. Quotes for replacement are being requested.
New Business: Librarian Pennington received a quote from James C. Bennett a quote of $3000 to replace lights in the children’s room with LED lights. Gifts in memory of Julie Eveland, Allen Pennington, and Jeanne Thiel will be used to fund the project.
A new commercial grade, upright vacuum (Tornado model CV30) will be purchased from D-I Supply. Gift money ($500) from Barbara Dick will be used for the purchase.
MOTION: Gross, second by Garver to accept New Business Report. Motion carried.
- Library will be closed December 24 & 26.
- Library will close at 4:00 PM on December 31
- Library will be closed January 2.
- Meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
- Next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, January 9th, 2023.
Respectfully submitted,
Cherie Lehman, Secretary pro tem
Call to order
Minutes from previous meeting
Correspondence, communications, and public comments
Committee Reports –
- Finance – Finance Report, Checks Report
- Book – no report
- House – graffiti on north walk
Librarian’s Report
- Statistics report
- Month’s review
- Friends – stuffing Santa Sacks this week
Old business
- Staff training workshop on Jan. 12. Library will close at noon.
- Technology support – continued search
New Business
- Quote to replace lights in children’s room
- Purchase new vacuum
- Christmas & New Year’s holiday hours
Next Meeting: January 9