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Article I: Name & Purpose

  1. The library shall be known as Paris Carnegie Public Library, located at 207 S. Main St., Paris, Illinois.
  2. Paris Carnegie Public Library provides library services to residents of Paris, Illinois. To fulfill this purpose, the principal objectives of the Library are to assemble, preserve and administer, in organized collections, both print and nonprint material; to serve the community as a source of reliable information and as a center for cultural activities; to provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young people and adults for continuing education, profitable and pleasurable use of leisure time, and general enrichment of life of the individual, family, and community.

Article II: Trustees

  1. The responsibility of management of the Library and its services is vested in the Board of Trustees, which shall be constituted and hold authority as specified in the Illinois Compiled Statutes 75 ILCS 5/4.
  2. The board shall be composed of nine members appointed by the Mayor of the City of Paris. All members must be residents of the City of Paris and not more than one may be a member of the Paris City Council.
  3. Each member shall be appointed for a term of three years, with three members appointed each year.
  4. Trustees shall adhere to the American Library Association’s Ethics Statement for Public Library Trustees.
  5. Trustees who resign their appointments prior to the end of their term or decide not to accept reappointment shall provide a written notice, at least one month in advance, to the Mayor with a copy to the Board President or Librarian.

Article III: Officers

  1. The officers of the Board of Trustees shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary.  These officers must be members of the Board. The Treasurer of the City of Paris shall act as Treasurer of the Board.
  2. Officers shall be elected at the May meeting and shall serve a term of one year or until a successor has been elected.
  3. Should two or more officers resign or be removed from the Board at the same time, the remaining Board members will elect a temporary officer. At the first meeting with the new Board of Trustee members an election will be held for all vacant offices.
  4. Duties of the officers:


  • To open and preside at meetings
  • State and put to vote all questions moved
  • Appoint committees
  • Serve as ex-officio member of all committees


  • Above duties in the absence of President


  • Record minutes to reflect attendance and actions taken
  • Custodian of records

Article IV: Meetings

  1. The Board of Trustees will meet regularly on the second Monday of each month except August.  When the meeting date falls on a legal holiday, the regular monthly meeting will be held the following Monday or at such time as may be designated by the Board.  Each member is expected to attend all meetings. A member who misses three or more meetings during the course of the year is requested to reconsider his commitment and ability to serve.
  2. Special meetings of the Board of Trustees may be called by or at the request of the President or upon written request of three members.
  3. Five members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.  All meetings shall be in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act and shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order (newly rev.) in all matters not covered by the bylaws.
  4. Members can participate in a meeting electronically but only if (1) the member is absent because of illness, business, or an emergency; (2) a quorum is physically present at the meeting; and (3) the body approves the member’s electronic attendance. [5 ILSC 120/7(c) and 5 ILCS 120/7(a)]During a disaster declaration, members can meet remotely without a physical quorum subject to certain rules, including, among others: (1) a determination that in-person meetings are not practical or prudent; (2) recording the meeting; (3) ensuring public can participate contemporaneously, and (4) votes by roll call.
  5. The order of business shall include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:  
    • Call to order
    • Approval of previous meeting minutes
    • Correspondence, communications, and public comments
    • Financial report
    • Committee reports
    • Librarian’s report
    • Old (unfinished) business
    • New business
    • Miscellaneous
    • Adjournment
  6. As part of its agenda for regular meetings, the Board will provide time for public comment. Members of the audience wishing to address the Board are asked to introduce themselves during this portion of the meeting and identify any library issues they wish to discuss. Speakers will be granted two to five minutes at the discretion of the President, not to exceed a total of twenty minutes. The board may cut short any comments that are irrelevant, repetitious, or disruptive.

Article V: Committees

  1. There shall be three (3) standing committees appointed by the President: House Committee, Book Committee, and Finance Committee.  Special committees may be appointed as needed by the President.  The President and Librarian shall serve as ex-officio members on all committees.
  2. The House Committee shall supervise the physical plant; the Book Committee shall recommend materials selected by library staff to be purchased from the Lucy Bishop Memorial Fund; the Finance Committee and librarian shall prepare an annual budget to be presented to the Board for approval preceding the beginning of each fiscal year.

Article VI: Librarian

  1. The Librarian shall be employed by the Board of Trustees to serve as administrative officer with the authority and responsibility to implement the policies established by the Board.
  2. The Librarian shall submit reports to the Board on a regular basis.
  3. The Librarian shall be responsible for the selection, hiring, training, evaluation, promotion and dismissal of personnel, subject to approval of the Board, and shall make salary recommendations to the Board of Trustees for all personnel.
  4. The Librarian shall be responsible for the expenditure of library funds as authorized by the Board of Trustees in its annual budget.

Article VII: Fiscal Year

  1. The fiscal year shall commence the first day of May and end of the thirtieth day of April.

Article VIII: Amendments

  1. These Bylaws will become effective when approved by at least two-thirds majority of the members at a regularly scheduled meeting.
  2. Bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Board of Trustees by a vote of two-thirds majority of members providing notice of the proposed amendment(s) has been given at a preceding meeting or has been sent to all members at least ten days before meeting is called.

Article IX: Review

  1. These bylaws shall be effective as of the date of Board approval, superseding all previous Bylaws.
  2. Bylaws shall be reviewed every two years.

Revised & approved June 12, 2023