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Loan Periods

Most books, magazines, audio books … 3 weeks
DVDs, BluRay … 2 weeks

Reference and genealogy books are in-library use only.


Audio books … 5 per person
DVDs/BluRay … 5 per household


Most books, audio books, and DVDs may be renewed twice if there are no holds on the item. New fiction may not be renewed.

Late Fees

The library went fine-free in May 2022. Late fees are not charged for overdue items.

Borrowers will be charged for damaged items and unreturned lost items. If you have lost items that were reported to the collection agency, a 10.00 nonrefundable fee will be charged.

Anyone who has significantly overdue items or owes $5.00 or more for a lost item may not check out items until their account is cleared.

Damaged items

Borrowers will be charged replacement or repair cost for damage (beyond normal wear) to items.


  • Borrowers who have signed up for email or text notices will receive a reminder notice 1 or 2 days before items are due in addition to notices by email when items are to be picked up or are late.
  • Borrowers are responsible for everything checked out on their card, knowing when items are due, and returning them on time. Due dates are placed on items when checked out and are available online in SHARE, SHARE Mobile Library app, or by contacting the library.
  • Notices for late items are printed 7 days after the item is due. Followup notices are sent at regular intervals until the borrower has been contacted (by phone, email, text, or mail) 4 times.
  • It is the borrower’s responsibility to keep his or her contact information up to date.
  • Borrowers are charged for lost (unreturned) items. Donations of materials will not be accepted in lieu of fees.
  • Borrowers with items unreturned more than 7 days after the billing date are also responsible for any and all collection and/or court costs that the library may incur in its efforts to secure the return of the material. Accounts with balances of $25.00 or more may be referred to a collection agency. A non-refundable $10 fee is added to all accounts referred.

Revision and Approved: Sept. 9, 2013